4 Reasons To Go Green With Marble

 In Kitchen Design, Kitchen Ideas, Kitchen Worktops

Marble is a solid sustainable material. The means of extracting and cutting it produce a very low carbon footprint. In short, it’s not only an amazing addition to any home or premises, but it’s kinder to the environment too.

Going green with marble makes sense. But there’s more to uncover in your investment. Join us as we take apart four key benefits to this eco-friendly natural stone…

1. No major environmental detriment

Marble doesn’t leave a cost on your conscience. It’s brought from the earth and shaped to your liking. Centuries-old stonemasonry techniques make up the bulk of this work, although they are paired with cutting tools and modern vehicles for delivery. Gas, electricity and coal may be used as part of the process, but at a far lower level than other, synthetic materials (such as resin and acrylic).

Such peace of mind is becoming ever-more valued in today’s world, where the trace effects of production need to be limited at every turn. Marble fits in perfectly with a green ethos. It can be recycled too, since it’s come direct from the ground. Specialist recycling centres look after natural stone – your stonemason should be able to recommend a service for the job, if you ever decide to remove it.

2. The luxury look

It’s the primary reason why marble is so coveted throughout the world. And it’s true – the stone has no equal for its visual splendour. Veined properties mean you have a totally unique appearance with each cut. Furthermore, the gleaming surface is a great complement for lighting, both natural and artificial. Marble symbolises opulence, luxury, and respect.

There are dozens of colours to explore and pair with your bathroom or kitchen.  Whether you go for grey, white, green, black, deep orange or any combination, your investment will be hard to ignore.

3. Fantastic heat resistance

Unlike some key room materials, marble doesn’t buckle under heat pressure. You can apply it to countertops, sinks and splashbacks without fearing any damage. Of course, being a soft natural stone, it will eventually show heat marks. But these will have to be the result of pervasive and very hot exposure. Typical home use is fine.

Fireplace surrounds, too, are a popular application. The colour you’ve chosen won’t change in proximity to flames, steaming water or hot pans. In essence, marble features are as reliable as you need them to be.

4. It’s fairly durable

Finally, that reliability extends to knocks, bumps, chips and scrapes over the stone’s lifetime. Remember that marble has been formed for many thousands of years underground. It is used to far more punishment than a stray bang in the kitchen. So trust it to withstand wear and tear from your daily activities.

However, we must say that knives can damage the surface – marble isn’t as strong as granite or onyx, for example. It’s also quite porous by comparison. Avoid cuts and spills and you’ll lengthen your stone’s lifespan. In almost every other case, marble will stand strong against any physical hazards.

From what we’ve discussed here, it’s only natural to delve into our marble stone collection… RC Coppin have a century-long history in the stonemason business. We provide precise, bespoke cuts for any homeowner or business leader. Speak to one of our craftspeople to learn more. Going green isn’t just a duty, in this instance – it’s a privilege.

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